Thursday, December 30, 2010

In Local News...

One of my best friends is studying in England at Durham University at the moment, and she has a blog where she has been chronicling her exploits. I felt a little guilty that I have not been posting anything to this blog, even though I said I would, so I figured I ought to try and start the ball rolling again.
So, recent events would be:

I got married on October 23rd! That is Mole Day; for those of you wondering why, think back to high school chemistry.
I am once again working at a high school in south Jersey. I love my job.
I had considered going back to China this summer, but for our honeymoon, it seems like my husband and I are going to plan a cross-country trip to see friends, family and national monuments. That should be some interesting fodder for the blog. I hope.

In future posts: ancient history trips that I have taken previously!