Saturday, July 9, 2011

Casualty! And why I will refrain from returning to Indiana.

This morning we left Pennsylvania and started along the Lake Erie Coastal Ohio Trail. It was very pretty, winding through small like-side towns and periodically giving us tantalizing glimpses of the HUGE Lake Erie.

But soon after we entered Ohio, tragedy struck! We were driving through a teeny little town called Lakesville. I was driving and Tom was taking pictures as we went. His camera lens was out the window a bit and suddenly I heard him yelp. We had run smack into a bumblebee! The bee had tumbled into the car and landed in the little bay of the power window switch. He then proceeded to cower, traumatized, in the little cave beneath the window switch.

The poor thing had been loaded up with pollen, which went everywhere. We had clumps on the camera, on the window sill and on the switch bay. We were briefly flummoxed as to how to remove the bee from the window switch well, until I tore some paper from my notebook and Tom convinced it to cling to the end. We left the poor guy on the side of the road, but after being clothes-lined by a Nikon lens at 45 miles an hour, I don't know how well he's gonna do. =(

Thankfully, the rest of the drive was lovely, and there were no more animal mishaps.

We drove along the Coastal Trail, sometimes losing it and visited the Marblehead Lighthouse, which was nice. We almost ran out of gas right on the edge of Ohio. The light came on just as we drove past the last rest stop for 30 miles, so we left the highway and coasted down to a Shamrock station in town called Edon.

And then... Then we entered Indiana. Oh, Indiana. Who lives in Indiana, seriously? I mean, yes. We stayed on the highway the whole way through, which is never the best views. But we drove on the highway through a good chunk of PA as well, and I still like that state! At least they've got hills and views and things. Indiana was just... dull. Flat, boring drive through flat, boring country. The trees were nice looking, but there was no change in them at all.

So, we got through Indiana as fast as possible (5 hours or so, ugh) and headed into Chicago.
Hurray for Droids, by the way. I booked us a room at a Traveler's Inn as we were driving, so we headed straight here, dropped our stuff, showered... and then went to see Transformers 3. I know, I know. We're in a brand new city and we go see a movie?

But, hey, it was fun! Lots of explosions and robots fighting. And wow, did this one take a dark turn that the others really didn't have. I mean, the other movie had people dying, but they were mostly soldiers being stabbed or blown up or whatever.
This one had fleeing, screaming civilians being vaporized. And not just nice, suddenly-there-is-dust-not-a-body vaporized, either. Like, the liquid in their body was suddenly flash-boiled kind of vaporized so that their charred bones scatter and their clothing flutters to the ground like a surrender flag.


And on that note! Ha. Anyway, hello Chicago! Tomorrow we will be exploring you!

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